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Available from

Future Problem Solving

Program International!

Essential Publications for

Global Issues Problem Solving

Essential Publications for

Scenario Writing

Essential Publications for

Community Problem Solving

Essential Publications for

Curricular Integration


Available from

Wisconsin  Future Problem Solving

You must be a Wisconsin resident to order these items.

Coaching Trilogy for Global Issues Problem Solving (GIPS) -- $40 each

Each adult using the materials must have a purchased copy.  Materials for systematically introducing students to competitive GIPS at three levels -- Elementary 4-5 (Stepping Stones), Middle 6-8 (Puzzle Pieces), High School 9-12 (Building Blocks).  Each includes ten 20-minute lessons that introduce the problem solving process, with supplementary examples for each step.  A facilitator's guide provides directions for use of the lessons and an extensive coaching guide with suggestions for preparation and writing sessions for the Global Issues Problem Solving year.  Electronic format.

TRILOGY COMBO -- Purchase any three for $100


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