Our Affiliate Directors

Lynn has been Wisconsin's Primary Affiliate Director since 2012. She has been involved in the program since its inception as coach (GIPS, CmPS and Scenario Writing), state and international evaluator, Future Scene writer, and workshop facilitator. Lynn is currently retired after 25 years of teaching various subjects to elementary and middle school students. "FPS has virtually changed my life. It has introduced me to many empowering creative and critical thinking techniques that I continue to use personally."
Martha is retired from her position as Gifted & Talented Coordinator for the Waunakee School District. She served as Wisconsin's Primary Affiliate Director for 16 years and has been the Secondary Affiliate Director since 2012. She coached FPS teams for 23 years, developed and facilitated FPS training workshops, served on various FPS interntional committees, and is serving as Past President of FPSPI's Board of Trustees after being its President for two years. "When confronted with a problematic situation, I find myself thinking through the situation from different perspectives and considering multiple courses of action, not just one."
Our Board

David started his FPS career as a GIPS team member in 1994. He became a state evaluator in 1997 and continues today. He is currently an Elections Specialist with the Wisconsin Government Accountability Board. "FPS taught me to look at problems critically and creatively. I also learned a lot about working with and team and how to communicate effectively."

Vice President
A retired teacher, Kris taught FPS to 6th, 7th and 8th graders for over 20 years. She continues to coach GIPS teams and Scenario Writers at Hamilton Middle School in Madison, and has had many winning state and international teams and individuals. "FPS has introduced me to a problem solving strategy and many different topics. It has stretched me as a teacher because it is a unique program that is always changing with new topics."

DAN JONOVIC, Secretary/Treasurer
Dan's FPS experience began in 5th grade when he participated as a student on an FPS team. He continued in the Future Probem Solving Program through 12th grade, and has been one of our state evaluators for seven years. He currently works at Epic as an integration engineer. "FPS has helped develop my critical thinking skills and ability to process information in a short period of time. As an evaluator, it has improved my ability to give feedback to students."

Hannah began her career in FPS as a student in 6th grade. She has been on GIPS teams that have earned state and international awards. She is an evaluator at the state and international level. Hannah recently received her PhD in microbiology at Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia and is currently working at the CDC. "FPS not only nurtured my critical thinking and writing skills, but also connected me with a great group of peers during my middle and high school years."

Dave is a retired professor of child development from UW-Madison and UW-Extension. Over one-third of Wisconsin parents have read his newsletters, starting with the Parenting the First Year series. His work also led to 92 after-school programs opening across the state. He has authored 4 books and hundreds of research studies on child developent. The people directing FPS impressed him, as did the research on which it was founded. "I view FPS as an exceptional program for developing creativity, thinking, and social skills in young people."

As a biology professor, Tammy had the honor of teaching students who had been schooled in programs like FPS because they were more interested in asking questions than being told answers. She has used the scientific process-- Plan, Do, Study, Act -- in the laboratory, in the classroom, as a university administrator and in planning many family get togethers. "We can get more done working together in teams while getting input from informed and helpful people. I’m excited to be a part of the FPS organization and with great hope, watch this next generation learn and tackle challenges that lie ahead. We may not know what the future holds, but we know there will be plenty of problems to solve."

Michael has been participating in Future Problem Solving for many years. He has been on winning teams at the state and international level. He is currently a student at the University of Wisconsin, Madison.

Stephanie is a French teacher in the Appleton Area School District where she has been coaching FPS since 2012. She has enjoyed diving into the interesting topics of FPS each year with her students. "FPS helps our students develop creative and critical thinking skills that they will use while diving into futuristic situations that are oriented in real life. FPS helps students foster skills such as teamwork, communication, and research that they will use to adapt to an ever-changing world."
Aimie has been a teacher in Milwaukee Public Schools for 24 years. Working in middle school, she was introduced to Future Problem Solving for the first time through a co-teacher. Aimie took over the coaching role in 2011. She wanted to continue to learn more and thus because an evaluator in 2018. "I love that FPS challenges students think critically and creatively."

Raghvi Sethi
Student Avisory Board Member
Raghvi is a senior at Middleton High School participating in her 7th year of FPS. She has competed at various levels of competition, qualifying for the international competition twice. Raghu believes that FPS is unique in that it teaches essential 21st century skills and prepares the next generation to tackle critical societal issues.

Student Advisory Board Member
Norah is entering her seventh year in FPS. She has competed at both state and international levels as an individual and team member, and she has served as a state evaluator for the past two years. As a rising senior at Middleton High School, Norah is the co-president of Middleton FPS, and the Development Director of the FPSPI Student Advisory Board. "FPS has taught me that creativity and critical thinking are essential for solving real-world issues. Each challenge we work through is an opportunity to innovate and make a meaningful impact."